探花视频 Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) and constitutes 探花视频鈥檚 (探花视频) modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st July 2023. This is 探花视频鈥檚 eighth statement and previous statements remain available here.

探花视频鈥檚 organisational structure

探花视频 is a higher education provider created by statute and is an exempt charity. 探花视频 is responsible to the Office for Students (OfS) as principal regulator for Higher Education Institutions in England that are exempt charities. The 探花视频 Board oversees the strategic development of 探花视频 and ensures the effective use of resources and the solvency of the institution. Its members are also 探花视频鈥檚 charitable trustees. Further details about 探花视频鈥檚 structure and governance can be found on the 探花视频 website .

探花视频 has undergraduate and postgraduate students who are attracted to 探花视频 from all over the world. 探花视频 is organised into several Faculties comprising; the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Faculty of Media and Communication, Faculty of Science and Technology, the 探花视频 Business School and also the 探花视频 Doctoral College. 探花视频 also has several professional service departments which include, amongst others; Finance, Academic Services, Estates, Marketing and Communications, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Student Services and IT Services.

探花视频 has three wholly owned subsidiary companies; 探花视频 Innovations Limited, The 探花视频 Foundation and 探花视频 Community Business Limited. 探花视频 also undertakes collaborative work and enters into academic partnerships with other research organisations and businesses around the world.

探花视频鈥檚 student and staff activities

探花视频 continues to have a staff member who chairs the CPS Wessex Modern Slavery Scrutiny Panel which reviews human trafficking and modern slavery cases across the region. 探花视频 academics are also in receipt of research funding on modern slavery prevention projects and 探花视频 graduates have also gone into employment with companies whose core mission includes prevention of modern slavery.

探花视频 also raises awareness as part of the curriculum for students in relevant subjects. In March 2023 the former Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Dame Sara Thornton DBE QPM, visited 探花视频 and spoke to a cohort of 探花视频 students undertaking a Level 5 unit on Human Trafficking and Criminality. It is anticipated that she will repeat this visit in 2023/24 when over 200 students are enrolled on the course.

探花视频 supply chains and supplier adherence to 探花视频鈥檚 values

探花视频鈥檚 supply chains for goods and services are complex and multi-tiered, and span from individuals to national and international entities. 探花视频 conducts annual diligence assessments with contracted suppliers to confirm their compliance with the Act. The due diligence process maintains focus on high-risk sectors within supply chains, which include; security services, construction/estates goods and services, catering/food supply chains, cleaning/domestic services, waste, ICT equipment/general electronics and clothing/textiles.

探花视频 continues to seek assurances from suppliers and contractors of their compliance with the Act via our tender procedures (utilising Government鈥檚 standard Selection Questionnaire for all above threshold procurements), by contacting key suppliers in the higher risk areas, reviewing contracts with suppliers considering the need to prevent modern slavery and having Modern Slavery Act 2015 clauses in our 探花视频 standard terms of business for procurement and other supplier contracts.

探花视频 policies and due diligence processes

探花视频 implemented Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and Procedures in 2016 which provide a reporting mechanism for all staff to raise concerns. The Policy and Procedures are formally reviewed and approved at least every two years and were most recently considered by the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee on behalf of the Board in November 2023. The Audit, Risk and Governance Committee has a standing agenda item to receive reports of any concerns raised under the Policy and Procedures and has oversight, along with the 探花视频 Board, of compliance with the Policy and Procedures. During the 2022/23 financial year no reports were received. The 探花视频 Whistleblowing (Disclosure in the Public Interest) Policy also protects staff, students and anyone working for 探花视频 (including casual workers, self-employed contractors, agency personnel) and allows them to raise concerns related to modern slavery or risk of modern slavery.

探花视频 continues to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within its own staff community by following fair HR recruitment and selection policies and procedures. Where recruitment agencies are used, 探花视频 requires that such agencies comply with all UK legislation relating to the employment rights and welfare of candidates. 探花视频 also ensures that staff and students are able to access grievance procedures and raise concerns whether working remotely or on campus.

探花视频 has a number of frameworks which underpin its ethical standards across all of its business activities. 探花视频 has also remained committed to playing its part in delivering the UN Sustainable Development Goals and worked to further embed the UN SDGs into all areas of 探花视频. 探花视频 also continued to apply the following policies to ensure the procurement of goods and services took account of their social impact and to achieve ethical standards of business conduct; Sustainable Procurement Policy, Sustainable and Ethical Food Policy, Fair Trade Policy, Sustainability Policy, Sustainable IT Policy and Sustainable Construction Policy. 探花视频 also has an Ethical Investment Policy in which slavery and child labour are identified as areas in which investment is deemed inappropriate.

To ensure that 探花视频 takes full account of the economic, social and environmental implications of the goods, works and services it buys from external suppliers and organisations, 探花视频 utilises a suite of sustainability questions created by the Sustainability team which colleagues in Procurement and the Stakeholder select from when finalising the invitation to tender questions. Mandatory questions around compliance with the Act are included within the standard Central Government Selection Questionnaire for all above threshold procurements and similar questions are also included within 探花视频鈥檚 拢25,000 Public Contract Regulations threshold templates.

探花视频 also continued to procure goods and services via consortium frameworks such as the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) and through its membership of the Southern Universities Procurement Consortium (SUPC) which is a membership-based buying organisation for universities and further education colleges.

Training and Raising Awareness

探花视频 has dedicated representatives who are aware of the requirements of the Act from Legal Services and Corporate Governance, Human Resources, Procurement and Sustainability. During 2019/20 探花视频 set up an Ethical/Responsible Procurement Group where slave labour matters were considered under the group鈥檚 oversight of the implementation of the Sustainable Procurement and Ethical Investment Policies. This group held its final meeting in May 2023 and oversight of slave labour matters has now been handed over to UET and the Sustainability Committee to ensure executive oversight.

探花视频 remains committed to working with local charities and organisations to raise awareness in the community and will return to a programme of events when opportunities to collaborate arise.

As part of internal and external training sessions, 探花视频 ensures that relevant staff members are made aware of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in 探花视频鈥檚 supply chains and its business.

探花视频鈥檚 effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking

探花视频 will continue to review the effectiveness of its measures taken to combat slavery and human trafficking on a periodic basis and will review its approach against the new legislative measures expected from the Government following the transparency in supply chains consultation.

探花视频 will monitor how the challenges of inflation impact on our ability to identify and address risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains through contract review meetings and in new procurements. 探花视频 will take such action as deemed necessary to maintain the highest levels of ethical and human rights principles in its business conduct and will monitor any emerging or heightened risks during the 2023/24 financial year.


This statement has been approved by the 探花视频 Board who, together with the Audit, Risk and Governance (ARG) Committee, will review and update it as necessary on an annual basis.

Approved by the 探花视频 Board on 24 November 2023 Signed by Jim Andrews Chief Operating Officer and University Board Member